"For every way, O Lord! you magnified and glorified your people; unfailing, you stood by them in every time and circumstance."
Wisdom 19:22
An Online Resource for Prayer Requests & Growing In and Learning Your Faith!
Currently, we have discerned to use a website for prayer requests, by name or anyonmous, as well as to provide a resource library with links to different Catholic ministries, apostolates, books, and music in order to help reach out to others and grow in prayer, apologetics, and faith.
Click Here to learn more about what we do, our Mission, and our story so far in About Us.
We pray this website is a welcome "Retreat" for your soul! We wait in hope for what is to come!
Need someone to pray for you??
Please visit our Prayer Requests page, or feel free to email us at retreat.center@yahoo.com
December 2018
Want to shop for things that are solidly Catholic? The EWTN Religious Catalogue provides books, rosaries, jewelery, statues, and artwork to help strengthen the faith and family.
Shop the EWTN Religious Catalogue HERE.