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Who and what are we? We are a group of friends who met at Texas Tech University.  Through the movement of the Holy Spirit and years of prayer, we felt called to use the stories and experiences of our lives and those around us in order to reach out to others in an apostolate called "The Retreat Center".


Currently, the Lord has called us to live and serve in various areas of the country.  In the future, we have the desire to put on retreats in our own standing "retreat center" to help others as well as ourselves grow deeper in love with God.  


As for currently, we have discerned to use a website for prayer requests, by name or anyonmous, as well as to provide resource links to different Catholic ministries, apostolates, books, and music in order to help reach out to others and grow in prayer, apologetics, and faith. 


As to our knowledge, the resources listed uphold the teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.  If you find a link listed on here in contradiction to the teachings of the faith, please let us know at  Additionally, the links provided are soley a resource, and we assume no responsibility for their content or endorsements of third party resources, and claim no copyright to their information, but rather provide a generic resource to access their information and/or ministry.


We pray this website is a welcome "Retreat" for your soul!  We wait in hope for what is to come!






Logo and graphic credit: Logo created with; church icon is Halloween by Flaticon from Freepik

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